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Revital Family Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Cool Refresh

Revitalize and Protect: Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer Refresh

Wonderful Facts: - Antibacterial hand sanitizer Cool Refresh is a highly effective hygiene solution. It kills germs and bacteria on hands, reducing the risk of infections. The "cool refresh" variant often includes soothing and refreshing ingredients like aloe vera or menthol to provide a pleasant sensation while maintaining cleanliness. These sanitizers are portable, making them convenient for on-the-go use. Regular use can help maintain hand hygiene and reduce the spread of illnesses.

Description: - Experience the best hand sanitizer for your on-the-go needs with our Cool Refresh variant. Designed for travel and gentle on sensitive skin, it not only kills germs effectively but also leaves your hands feeling cool, refreshed, and smelling great. Plus, it's infused with moisturizing ingredients to keep your skin soft and nourished, making it the ideal companion for your daily adventures.

Sizes Available: - 60 ml, 120 ml, 350 ml, 500 ml

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